Number one Corporate event
It takes time and experience to carry out a corporate event. Companies often hire event agencies, but it can also be done in house. Read how we did it and get inspired.

Employees or customers?
A familiar question arises. Both camps are equally important and one cannot exist without the other. In the 30 years that our printing company POINT CZ has been around, we have become convinced that our strength lies in our teamwork. We value our employees, which is why the first of many birthday celebrations this year belonged to them.
A steamboat full of printing experts
The birthday party for POINT employees took place on Saturday 27 May 2023 at the Brno Dam and had two parts: an afternoon steamboat trip and an evening garden party at the restaurant Přívoz U Vodů. The aim of the event was to thank them for their great work and to enjoy the gathering. We have 3 production plants dozens of miles apart, and for the teams at these plants, a chance to spend some time together is a nice change.
Preparation and printing
Carrying out such an event is like organising a wedding, it takes good preparation. Choosing a suitable location, arranging catering, accompanying activities and a band. But the most important thing is communication. We had the invitations and posters for the event printed six months in advance. Gradually we revealed the details of the programme to our colleagues so that they could look forward to it.
Printed materials for events
The success of the event also lies in its presentation. From experience, we recommend choosing an interesting name and supporting it with graphics and printed materials. In addition to invitations, flyers and posters with the program, we also printed directional signs, welcome signs and photocollages. You might think that would be easier for us, after all, we’re a printing company. But make no mistake, the print production schedule in our printing company is relentless even for in-house jobs. For small print volumes, we also outsource our own printing in our Point4me e-shop. The production team of Point4me online printing is responsive and ready for smaller jobs with next day production.
Surprise in the first place
The welcome surprise at the event was the drummers from Ritmo Factory, who gave a breathtaking performance and immersed the guests in Brazilian samba. The subsequent steamboat cruise was a tasting cruise. In addition to treats, cocktail tasting, rum tasting and DJ, we prepared quizzes and games for our colleagues. The three-hour cruise went by like nothing. If you’d like to take the quiz too, we’ve added a sample to our blog.
Count on us
At the beginning of the evening part we included a small balance sheet, after all, 30 years in the industry is a long life. Many of our employees have walked a large part of this road with us, a feat worthy of a medal.
We now have 172 employees, 51% have been with us for over 10 years, 20% have been with us for over 20 years and a record 10% of colleagues have been with us for over 25 years. 120 of us came to the party and 69% of us took home a diploma for over 15 years of service. We are really proud of these numbers! Because when you say expert in the field, we know who you are talking about.
Impression of the event?
The best. In addition to the biggest buffet on the Brno Dam, great facilities and catering, the evening entertainment was provided by the band Eremy. We danced till morning. On Monday, the talk of employees when preparing their morning coffee was about the event, and half the people came dressed in our t-shirts that we handed out along with the book at the event.
We can help you with your event
Will you be hosting a corporate event too? We’re here to help you, no problem. In our e-shop Point4me you can order printed materials online in one or two steps, some of them with express next-day printing. We can print your invitations, flyers, posters, signs, business cards, notepads, as well as catalogues or tailor-made printed materials. Our specialists are available via chat, email and phone. Don’t worry about events, you won’t be alone with us.
Text: Markéta Švábová