Bet on DM delivery
Do you want to expand your business and fish in the sea of bigger clients? We will advise you how to activate their interest. You say that print advertising is dead? We’ll prove otherwise.

The alpha and omega of business
Do you have enough customers, are your existing clients filling your production capacity and you don’t need more? Then well done, you don’t have to read any further. But most companies are a little different and they are asking themselves how they can get new or bigger customers. We will show you what has worked for us at POINT.
Before we start
Let’s skip the phase that you’re sure to have passed. You have selected companies in the market who are similar in size, production, location and anticipated demand to your clients. You need to deal with someone in management who isn’t on the site, so you track down names and direct contacts through LinkedIn, the trade register or the Chamber of Commerce. You’ve carefully crafted a forceful letter, added videos of production, links to references, a presentation of services and… nothing happened.
Perpetum Mobile
If the new contact doesn't know you, doesn’t know anything about your product, and isn't willing to listen… Then you need to spark their interest and explain the benefits of working together. That’s hard to do in a nutshell. So how do you impress them and get a personal meeting? Forget digital outreach, robots won’t help you even with the best email offer. What about writing a message via social networks? Well, do you have time to wait weeks for it to be fished out of the spam? Try a phone call? And can you say everything in fifteen seconds before the person asks you to remove them from your database? No, send them a package. Doesn’t that seem too easy? It does, but it works. Our press specialists could tell you all about producing DM campaigns.
Corporate printed materials
Printed materials, and we know this from our major clients for whom we provide printing, are still the number one presentation medium. Corporate printing has undergone a major change, especially in the quality of the processing, the materials used and the surface refinement of the paper. Tons of corporate catalogues are no longer printed, but the focus is on luxury, clean design, uniqueness, concise content and large-format photographs. Interesting shapes, die-cuts and surface refinement of printed materials have found great success. Eyes and touch react first. We know something about this from over three decades of experience at our printing company POINT CZ.
Direct marketing is back
Gone are the days when stacks of newspapers, leaflets and envelopes with letters were piled up in offices. How many print shipments do you receive now? Do you get one monthly subscription to a magazine that you flip through or not even that? Because you just don’t have time. Even personal purchases are handled online. Has it ever happened that a package was delivered, but you don’t remember you ordered it? Bingo. After all, no one throws away a package without opening it.
Curiosity in the shipment
The security of an office, plenty of time and no prying eyes. This is a cocktail of benefits that enhances the surprise of your direct mail. But what should you send? It’s not about sending corporate printed materials, catalogue or offer sheets. The goal is to generate interest. Get a printout of special materials from us.
How to create a top DM shipment
Work with wit, playfulness, surprising copywriting, good graphics, design and above all content. Involve the recipient in “composing” or “deciphering” the message. Focus on both utility and ease of shipping. A desk is ideal, recipients will have your product and logo in sight at all times. Whether it’s a paper stand for a cell phone that they fold themselves, a business card like a giant poster, an endless calendar, a cup coaster, a folding book with quotes or a pen box. Think also about environmental impact and costs. Paper printed materials will cost you the least, and you’ll still collect eco bonus points.
Wrap the corporate gifts
If you don't want to bother with a special DM shipment but have nice corporate gifts or products, send them. Just print a funny flyer, paper cover or have a packaging made. Print only the quantity you want and use it for your campaign.
We can help with printing and packaging for DM
Contact us. Our specialists at POINT CZ printing company deal with DM campaigns frequently. We can advise you on printed materials for your campaign and the production of packaging for your existing products or corporate gifts. Our motto is: We support your success. We believe that with the right printed materials and packaging you will be able to attract new customers. At the first go.
Text: Markéta Švábová